If you find a better price elsewhere on this product we will Match that price and beat it by 10% of the difference. See Details.
Purchase today and you can return it in the original condition through Wednesday, March 19, 2025! See our return policy.
Q: Can I use this with my bose A20 GA headset?
A: Sure, it will work great to convert a Bose A20 with dual plugs to a helicopter.
Q: I fly with the Army UH-60s and Navy SH-60s (backseat) and would like a product to use with my GA headset. One plug has 3 black strip contacts and the other has 4. Will this product work?
A: It sounds like you probably need the High to Low Impedance adapter instead.
Q: Hi, I have a David Clark H10-76 headset that I used for military fixed wing aircraft, will this adapter work for my headset? Thanks in advance.
A: If you are trying to convert it for use in a Civilian aircraft, you need the Low to High Impedance Adapter.
Q: Is this working with expensive bluetooth and noise cancelling headsets as well?
A: Yes, this adapter will work with aviation headset to convert the Dual plugs to a Helicopter plug.
Q: Hi, Is there an NSN for this product? Thanks.
A: I'm sorry there is not.
Q: dose this Standard Fixed Wing Headset to Helicopter Adapter have a 3.5MM male end?
A: No, aviation headsets do not have a 3.5mm plug. This converts standard fixed wing headsets with PJ-055 (.25 inch / 6.35mm) and PJ-068 (.206 inch / 5.25mm) plugs to a single U-174/U helicopter plug (7.1 mm / 0.281 inch diameter) . You can learn more about plug types in our Guide to Aviation Headset Connectors.
Q: I have a Bose headset for my plane, but wanted to know if this adapter will work with my computer 3.5 mm jack?
Hello! To use a dual plug headset with your computer you would need the PC Flight Simulator Headset Adapter.
Q: I need a high to low impedance adapter or would this adapter work?
A: Hello, if you need a high to low adapter you can get it by clicking here.
Q: I have this Bose A20 GA aviation headset with blue tooth with two jack (Dual cord)and intend to use it in AW 139 and AS 365 Dauphin helicopter. Request your specific advise to this querry and suggest using which type of helicopter adapter is suitable?
A: The Agusta AW139 will most likely be equipped with 8-pin Fisher connectors. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to adapt the dual plugs to the 8-pin Fisher connector so your only solution is to get a second cable assembly for the Bose headset. It's easy to swap them back and forth (just a couple of screws). You can get the Agusta Bose A20 cable assembly with Bluetooth or the Agusta Bose A20 cable assembly without Bluetooth. The Eurocopter AS365 will likely have the single U-174U jack so you can use this Standard Fixed Wing Headset to Helicopter Adapter to adapt. But, we recommend you verify the connectors in the Eurocopter first.
Q: Will this work for my helicopter headset?
A: If you have a helicopter headset, then you will need the Helicopter to Standard Fixed Wing Adapter. That adapter will allow you to use your helicopter headset in a fixed wing aircraft that requires a dual plug headset.
Q: I have a H10-76 headset and the low to high impedance adapter to civilian fixed wing. Do I just need to buy this extra adapter for civilian helicopters and use it with the low to high impedance adapter?
A: We would recommend the Low to High Impedance Adapter for Helicopter. You can try to hook an adapter to another adapter but we do not have one here to test so we can not advise how well it would work.
Q: Will this adapter work with a David Clark headset?
A: Yes, this will work with any general aviation (civilian) fixed wing headset for use in a civilian helicopter.
Q: Will this adapter work in conjunction with your CD/MP3 player to intercom adaptor?
A: This product would connect to the CD/MP3 Player Headset Adapter - Helicopters.
Q: I have a military helicopter headset - plug is marked U-174/U. Is there an adapter to use it in civilian helicopters and an adapter for GA aircraft?
For your headset, it sounds like you would need a Low-to-High Impedance Adapter to convert your headset for Civilian General Aviation use. You would need to use that adapter with the General Aviation to Helicopter Adapter to convert your headset for Civilian Helicopter use.
Q: i have a Bose head set, will this adapter allow me to use it in a Sikorsky-76 helicopter thanks jack
A: If you have a Bose headset with the two standard fixed wings jacks (PJ-055 and PJ-068) it will work fine.
If you find a better price elsewhere on this product we will match that price and beat it by 10% of the difference.
Purchase today and you can return it in the original condition through Wednesday, March 19, 2025 ! See our return policy.