The primary purpose of Fundamentals of Instructing FAA Written Exam is to provide you with the easiest, fastest, and least expensive means of passing the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) knowledge test, which is required before you can obtain your flight and/or ground instructor certificate. You are not required to take the FOI knowledge test if you hold a FAA flight or ground instructor certificate; hold a current teacher's certificate authorizing you to teach at an educational level of the 7th grade or higher; or, you are currently employed as a teacher at an accredited college or university.
Appendix B of this book is a reprint of "Section Two -- The Flight Instructor" from the FAA's Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AC 60-14). It is useful reading and periodic review for instructors. It consists of three chapters:
This books changes the FAA knowledge (written) test process from a memorization marathon to a learning opportunity and experience. You get higher test scores in less study time. Seven of the major differences between the Gleim Fundamentals of Instructing FAA Written Exam book and most other available books and software are:
2023 edition,
432 pages
The primary purpose of Fundamentals of Instructing FAA Written Exam is to provide you with the easiest, fastest, and least expensive means of passing the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) knowledge test, which is required before you can obtain your flight and/or ground instructor certificate. You are not required to take the FOI knowledge test if you hold a FAA flight or ground instructor certificate; hold a current teacher's certificate authorizing you to teach at an educational level of the 7th grade or higher; or, you are currently employed as a teacher at an accredited college or university.
Appendix B of this book is a reprint of "Section Two -- The Flight Instructor" from the FAA's Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AC 60-14). It is useful reading and periodic review for instructors. It consists of three chapters:
This books changes the FAA knowledge (written) test process from a memorization marathon to a learning opportunity and experience. You get higher test scores in less study time. Seven of the major differences between the Gleim Fundamentals of Instructing FAA Written Exam book and most other available books and software are:
2023 edition,
432 pages
Q: Are the ground instructor questions include in the same group of the fligt instructor. ?
A: The Ground Instructor questions - both Advanced (AGI) and Basic Ground Instructor (BGI) - questions are contained in the Gleim Flight/Ground Instructor Written Exam Guide.