The Primary purpose of Instrument Pilot FAA Written Exam is to provide you with the easiest, fastest, and least expensive means of passing the FAA Instrument Rating - Airplane (IRA) knowledge test, which is required before you can take your instrument rating practical (flight) test.
Additionally, this book can be used in preparation for the following FAA knowledge tests:
2024 Edition.
If you find a better price elsewhere on this product we will Match that price and beat it by 10% of the difference. See Details.
Purchase today and you can return it in the original condition through Tuesday, March 25, 2025! See our return policy.
The Primary purpose of Instrument Pilot FAA Written Exam is to provide you with the easiest, fastest, and least expensive means of passing the FAA Instrument Rating - Airplane (IRA) knowledge test, which is required before you can take your instrument rating practical (flight) test.
Additionally, this book can be used in preparation for the following FAA knowledge tests:
2024 Edition.
Q: is this the 2023 edition ?
A: Yes, it is.
Q: Does the Gleim Instrument Pilot FAA Knowledge Test Guide come with the FAA syllabus of figures and charts?
A: Yes, the FAA figured and charts are included printed in this book.
Gleim Instrument Pilot Test Prep Software - Simulated FAA tests for Instrument Pilot Fixed Wing Knowledge Tests.
Simplify and facilitate your flight training and preparation for the FAA practical (flight) test
A collection of MP3 audio files with 12 lectures to prepare you for the Instrument Pilot Airplane knowledge test.
A comprehensive video ground school to prepare you for the Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge Exam.
Instrument Pilot Syllabus is a step-by-step lesson plan for your sport pilot training.
If you find a better price elsewhere on this product we will match that price and beat it by 10% of the difference.
Purchase today and you can return it in the original condition through Tuesday, March 25, 2025 ! See our return policy.