Jeppesen's Guided Flight Discovery Instrument/Commercial Manual provides the most complete explanations of aeronautical concepts for professional pilots through the use of colorful illustrations and full color photos. This primary source for initial study and review includes Principles of Instrument Flight, The Flight Environment, Instrument Charts and Procedures, Aviation Weather and IFR Flight Operations and Commercial Pilot Operations, as well as an introductory look at Building Professional Experience. The most comprehensive and visually appealing Instrument/Commercial Manual ever!
Topics covered in the Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Manual include:
Features of the Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Manual:
Revised November 2021
Jeppesen's Guided Flight Discovery Instrument/Commercial Manual provides the most complete explanations of aeronautical concepts for professional pilots through the use of colorful illustrations and full color photos. This primary source for initial study and review includes Principles of Instrument Flight, The Flight Environment, Instrument Charts and Procedures, Aviation Weather and IFR Flight Operations and Commercial Pilot Operations, as well as an introductory look at Building Professional Experience. The most comprehensive and visually appealing Instrument/Commercial Manual ever!
Topics covered in the Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Manual include:
Features of the Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial Manual:
Revised November 2021
Q: I'm a private pilot looking to get my instrument rating. I don't have any aspirations to get my commercial. My question is...will this book overwhelm me with commercial knowledge that I don't need? Or are the commercial IFR rules/private pilot IFR rules in separate areas of the book?
A: The content for the Instrument and Commercial ratings are fairly separated throughout this book. Many people choose to get their Commercial at the same time as their Instrument since it doesn''t require much more work. But, if you just want to get your Instrument Rating, this would still be a great choice for you and it''s easy to ignore the Commercial content.
Q: Is this volume available in HARDCOVER? Thanks.
A: Jeppesen switched to a softcover starting with the edition published in January 2013. They are no longer printing any hardcover edition and all hardcovers are now outdated and out-of-print.
Q: Could you verify that this is the hardcover edition?
A: The old edition published in 2006 was hardcover, but Jeppesen switched to a softcover with starting with the edition published in January 2013. They are no longer printing any hardcover edition and all hardcovers are now outdated and out-of-print.
Q: Once I finished the manual, how do I take the written test? Do I have to also watch the Video?
The Knowledge Exam (a.k.a. written test) can be taken at any FAA approved testing facility. The textbook has all of the information in the videos (and then some) and is a comprehensive textbook that covers almost anything that would be asked on the Knowledge Exam with the exception of regulations which can be obtained through the FAR/AIM.
Q: 1. Does this book cover the new WAAS approaches? 2. Since this is a Jeppesen text, do the examples exclusively use Jeppesen charts, or do they also cover NOS charts?
A: This book does cover the WAAS procedures. It also uses both Jeppesen and NACO/NOS charts for reference.