Clearview Plastic and Glass Cleaner
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This foaming cleaner leaves a shiny finish with no residue. It easily removes bugs and grime from windshields of all surfaces.
This foaming cleaner leaves a shiny finish with no residue. It easily removes bugs and grime from windshields of all surfaces.
Invented by a pilot over 25 years ago for cleaning and maintaining plastic aircraft windshields that require absolute clarity.
Makes clear plastics look like new. It is designed to fill in fine scratches on plastic windshields and windows.
Unique hydroentangling technology ensures that Sontara is highly absorbent, low-linting, exceptionally strong, and solvent-resistant.
Powerful, concentrated, multipurpose aircraft cleaner / degreaser formulated to clean the touhest exhaust soot, belly grime and bug splats.
Unique hydroentangling technology ensures that Sontara is highly absorbent, low-linting, exceptionally strong, and solvent-resistant.
Long lasting, reusable pads helps Wash Wax ALL remove bugs, bird droppings and other particulate from leading edges without scratching!
This foaming cleaner leaves a shiny finish with no residue. It easily removes bugs and grime from windshields of all surfaces.
Eliminate fingerprints, streaks, dust, dirt, oils, from your avionics, glass cockpit screens, and GPS/PDA screens.
The most useful, effective and versatile corrosion inhibitor / lubricant / penetrant available today