Q: Is the CR-3 made of metal or plastic?
A: This is a plastic CR-3.
Q: I have an old CR-1. How does it compare with the current CR's, and where can I find instructions on how to use it? Thank You.
All of the CR computers are basically the same, they are just different sizes and materials (i.e. plastic, metal, etc.). We have the CR Computer Manual/Workbook that will provide instructions.
Q: Do you have this computer instructions in other languages?
A: We do not, but you might check with Jeppesen Europe. http://www.jeppesen.com/company/office-locator.jsp
Q: Do you have a big CR computer for demonstrating in class for students?
A: We do not have any larger instruction-style flight computers.
Q: how can i download the cr3 instruction manual to use it.
A: The Jeppesen CR Flight Computer instructions are available for viewing online on Jeppesen's website.
Q: I'd like to know what does CR stand for? Is it an acronym? thanks
A: CR stands for Counter-Rotating.
Q: The original computer I was inquiring about is a 4 inch diameter. Do you have a CR style smaller than the CR-3 which I believe is 6 inches. The smaller size fits in my shirt pocket.
A: Jeppesen also makes a CR-5 that has a 3.75" diameter and a CR-2 with a 4.25" diameter.