Nolly B-757 / B-767 Aircraft Systems Review DVD

    • List Price:  
    • Item #5504
    • PN: 767
  • List Price:  
  • Item #5504

You never need to fear B-757 / B-767 systems training again! Whether you're getting ready for Transition Training in new aircraft or brushing up on your systems knowledge for an upcoming Proficiency Check (PC), this DVD is just what the doctor ordered!   

And you'll be covering the Boeing 757 / 767 systems from a pilot's perspective. You see, these aren't fancy hollywood actors doing the teaching. They're the same guys you'll be facing across the table during your next Oral Evaluation: airline instructors. No fancy special effects, no glitz, no glamour. Instead, you'll get solid from-the-horse's-mouth information on aircraft systems. And it's kept generic enough to apply to your aircraft, regardless of your airline affiliation. No "Here's how we do it at Brand X airlines". In fact, these DVDs have been sold to satisfied pilots from virtually every major airline in the world.  Total DVD running time is just under 4 hours.

And if it goes by kind of fast, you simply rewind and watch it again. You see, this is not a video of a classroom lecture, where the instructor tells the class what he's going to teach , teaches them and then tells them what he taught. It's one-on-one, instructor talking to you, produced specifically for the home video market. You'll connect with the material in a way you never could in a crowded classroom. And you'll really learn the material and retain it longer.

This course was produced specifically for video home study. On this DVD, your instructor, Captain George Nolly, will cover systems using a B-767 cockpit panel to guide the discussion. System schematics are used to augment the discussion where appropriate. In addition to every major system, you'll also learn about EICAS and the Mode Control Panel. This course covers B-767 and B-757 differences and shows schematics for both aircraft.

Thousands of pilots from airlines throughout the world have found this course to be just the answer for getting ready for Transition Training and Proficiency Checks.

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Nolly B-757 / B-767 Aircraft Systems Review DVD

  • List Price:  
  • Item #5504
  • PN: 767

Nolly B-757 / B-767 Aircraft Systems Review DVD Overview:

You never need to fear B-757 / B-767 systems training again! Whether you're getting ready for Transition Training in new aircraft or brushing up on your systems knowledge for an upcoming Proficiency Check (PC), this DVD is just what the doctor ordered!   

And you'll be covering the Boeing 757 / 767 systems from a pilot's perspective. You see, these aren't fancy hollywood actors doing the teaching. They're the same guys you'll be facing across the table during your next Oral Evaluation: airline instructors. No fancy special effects, no glitz, no glamour. Instead, you'll get solid from-the-horse's-mouth information on aircraft systems. And it's kept generic enough to apply to your aircraft, regardless of your airline affiliation. No "Here's how we do it at Brand X airlines". In fact, these DVDs have been sold to satisfied pilots from virtually every major airline in the world.  Total DVD running time is just under 4 hours.

And if it goes by kind of fast, you simply rewind and watch it again. You see, this is not a video of a classroom lecture, where the instructor tells the class what he's going to teach , teaches them and then tells them what he taught. It's one-on-one, instructor talking to you, produced specifically for the home video market. You'll connect with the material in a way you never could in a crowded classroom. And you'll really learn the material and retain it longer.

This course was produced specifically for video home study. On this DVD, your instructor, Captain George Nolly, will cover systems using a B-767 cockpit panel to guide the discussion. System schematics are used to augment the discussion where appropriate. In addition to every major system, you'll also learn about EICAS and the Mode Control Panel. This course covers B-767 and B-757 differences and shows schematics for both aircraft.

Thousands of pilots from airlines throughout the world have found this course to be just the answer for getting ready for Transition Training and Proficiency Checks.



  • Nolly B-757 / B-767 Aircraft Systems Review DVD

    5 Reviews

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Top Reviews
  • Verified Purchase

disorganized, amateurish

  • By A Customer from Schenectady NY USA on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • Pros: arrived fast
  • Review: It was very hard to watch. Didn't follow any order. I watched ? of it and then put it aside.

  • Verified Purchase

Different Style

  • By mulopu from Dubai Dubai United Arab Emirates on Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Pros:
  • Review: Ok it was not what I expected but it was alright as it was a very quick way to look at the two acfts systems quite effectively.I would say it rather old way of doing it but all in all you still learn & thats the bottomline.

  • Verified Purchase

Waste of money

  • By Daniel from Honolulu Hawaii USA on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
  • Pros: None
  • Review: Seriously disappointed. Very basic and of poor production standard. It is basically just a home video of the systems panel description, with no in depth look into the systems themselves. Expected a lot more for this amount of money.

  • Verified Purchase


  • By A Customer from HOUSTON AK USA on Tuesday, July 21, 2009

  • Verified Purchase

Good General Review

  • By Clark from CharlotteVTUSA on Friday, June 26, 2009
  • Pros: Seems to get the job done and covers all the relevent topics we all love about systems. I enjoy learning systems, and if the "why does it do that" is included by the old pros, things stick a lot better. Enjoyed it.
  • Review: The video quality of my DVD was "grainy" during the first part of the review and improved later but it was not perfect by any means. I would really have liked a menu feature to be able to go to a specific system or panel area discussion rather than searching for several minutes to get to the desired topic.

  • Verified Purchase

disorganized, amateurish

  • By A Customer from Schenectady NY USA on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • Pros: arrived fast
  • Cons: useless
  • Review: It was very hard to watch. Didn't follow any order. I watched ? of it and then put it aside.
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 4 Other people found this review helpful.
  • Verified Purchase

Different Style

  • By mulopu from Dubai Dubai United Arab Emirates on Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Review: Ok it was not what I expected but it was alright as it was a very quick way to look at the two acfts systems quite effectively.I would say it rather old way of doing it but all in all you still learn & thats the bottomline.
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 1 Other people found this review helpful.
  • Verified Purchase

Waste of money

  • By Daniel from Honolulu Hawaii USA on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
  • Pros: None
  • Cons: Of no help at all
  • Review: Seriously disappointed. Very basic and of poor production standard. It is basically just a home video of the systems panel description, with no in depth look into the systems themselves. Expected a lot more for this amount of money.
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 4 Other people found this review helpful.
  • Verified Purchase


  • By A Customer from HOUSTON AK USA on Tuesday, July 21, 2009
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 1 Other people found this review helpful.
  • Verified Purchase

Good General Review

  • By Clark from CharlotteVTUSA on Friday, June 26, 2009
  • Pros: Seems to get the job done and covers all the relevent topics we all love about systems. I enjoy learning systems, and if the "why does it do that" is included by the old pros, things stick a lot better. Enjoyed it.
  • Cons: DVD quality rather rough and would like a menu feature
  • Review: The video quality of my DVD was "grainy" during the first part of the review and improved later but it was not perfect by any means. I would really have liked a menu feature to be able to go to a specific system or panel area discussion rather than searching for several minutes to get to the desired topic.
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 2 Other people found this review helpful.


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