For me, buying this bag was a mistake. I wanted a bag sized for stowing under a typical airline seat. Since I naively assumed this was designed for that role, I did not take the time to compare the bag dimensions to the carry-on requirements of American Airlines.
When empty, this bag requires 10.5 inches of clearance to slide it under a seat. AA specifies that underseat bags be no more than 8 inches high. AA's spec for the short dimension of bags in the overhead bins is 9 inches. Thus, this bag is not approved for the cabin on any AA flight. Perhaps it would actually fit on some larger AA aircraft, but I'm afraid to even try this bag on the small regional jets that I typically use.
I'm sure that airline employees and very experienced flyers understand perfectly how this bag can and cannot be used. All other shoppers should carefully consider bag dimensions and airline requirements, and not assume (as I did) that is bag is suitable for most underseat spaces.
I wish I knew what rolling underseat bag I *should* have purchased for my needs. :)
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Verified Purchase
Great bag, but doesn't work for me.
By Cliff
from TX USA
on Thursday, October 22, 2020
Its a great bag and well made, but I wanted a bag that you can set on its side and the main compartment opens all the way. This is a "square" bag so if you could put it on its side all the items would be easy to access. This one you have to keep it vertical so everything you place in the bag ends up stacking up on top of each other. Even if you put it on its side you then have to use one hand to hold it open while digging around with the other hand to pull items out.
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