Reviews for Dual XGPS160 SkyPro Bluetooth GPS Receiver

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  • Verified Purchase

It is not reliable

  • By Manuel from FL USA on Wednesday, October 05, 2016
  • Pros: None
  • Cons: Signal not reliable and battery only last about 3 hours
  • Review: This product the XGPS160 does not work as promised however, the previous model XGPS150 works like a charm.
    Technical support representative at Dual was blaming the app and the IPad, and when I mentioned it worked with the XGPS 150, the Dual technician blamed the iPad. The Dual technical support representative had no clue of why the XGPS160 does not work and the XGPS150 does.
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 19 Other people found this review helpful.

Problems with Data Loggin

  • By Jack D. Morris from Nayaug, Connecticut on Friday, April 11, 2014
  • Pros: Small compact unit, good GPS/GLONASS receiver.
  • Cons: Operation seems flakey. It would be nice to have a USB windows app so that I could directly access the GPS tracking data.
  • Review: I've had the Dual XGPS160 since mid January. My plan was to use it with Foreflight. I used it hiking with the log feature as a test and it seemed to work just fine. I then used it in the car and it worked fine, displaying a moving dot on the iPad map. I then tried it with Foreflight in the car. After about 30 minutes Foreflight locked up. The only way I could clear this was by rebooting my iPad mini. Note this is a Retina with the latest update. I took the GSP unit with Foreflight on a flying trip of about 120 nautical miles. The unit seemed to work flawlessly. But on the return trip, Foreflight locked up. Fortunately I had a secondary GSP unit with moving map, so I continued with that. To get Foreflight running again, I had to reboot the iPad. Maybe this is a Foreflight problem, but I am also having a problem with the Dual XGSP160. Sometimes the iPad app shows that it is up and running, but when I access the Trip page, it doesn't read the trip log, it just sits there doing nothing. The only way to fix this is to turn off the Dual unit and then turn it back on. Also, the DUAL FAQ says that you can turn logging on and off by hitting the power button 3 times in succession. When I first got the unit, I verified this and it worked. Now when I hit the button 3 times, the Log light fails to turn on or if on fails to turn off. However, I can turn the Log light on or off via the Dual iPad app. I am suspicious that this DUAL XGPS 160 unit has a problem, since it doesn't operate as advertized. Also, on two other related questions about the unit, I contacted DUAL via their email address on two separate occasions. I have yet to get a reply, so I am concerned about their customer support. It is looking more and more like this was a bad purchasing decision.
  • Was this review helpful to you? Yes No 18 Other people found this review helpful.